Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Everyday witchcraft: - CW

Everyday witchcraft: - CW

Did you know that every time you attend a birthday party or are celebrating your own, you are performing or taking part in a witchcraft ritual?

Many people – especially the anti witchcraft movements don’t realize this.

Many will say but how can this be?

Well look at the below and see what you think:


Gather round all its time to blow out the birthday candles - strange how this seems to resemble a formation of a circle, and after all isn’t that where witches do spells, circles?


Then it is the compulsory singing of HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU or some other related songs. However bad it might be some times. - Well how is energy raised for spell-work? Chants, songs. Go figure!


Now make a wish – focusing of intent, visualizing what you would like to manifest

Then blow out the candle – this is candle magick in its purest form, an intent is visualized, and by blowing out the candle the intent is sent out into the universe with the hope of the wish being granted


time to feast – what better way to ground than a good old fashioned feast, birthday cake, good food drinks, family and friends.

So what do you think?

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Hi and welcome to the magickal musings Blog

In My first blog I muse over the question:

If there is a triple Goddess why don't we hear about a Triple god?

Taking into the account the law of polarity, that is of balance, everything should be in balance
A triple Goddess and singular God seems to tip the scale for me personally

The triple Goddess is attributed to the phases of the moon, so too we can argue that the sun (attributed generally to the God) also has 3 phases, morning, noon and sunset.

How do you feel about this, I would be very interested in hearing more views on this matter